Error Guide

Helpful notes for understanding errors that result in auto-rejection of your model

Bone Errors

Error: Bone [bone name] not found - Please update file to include [bone name] Bone

  • Explanation: The skeleton provided must not be altered in any way. If a bone is missing, then it was removed during the modeling process. You’ll need to update the model so that all bones from the skeleton are present.

Error: Bone [bone name] is not a child of a root node, multiple ancestors found: [ancestor description] - Please update bone to be a child of a root node

  • Explanation: Bones can only be the child of a root node. This error means that the bone is not nested in the right place in the model hierarchy.

Error: Bone [bone name] is not a child of [required parent] - Please update bone hierarchy to match requirements

  • Explanation: The template skeleton has been altered and the hierarchy has changed. You will need to revert to the original skeleton with no alterations.

Node Errors

Error: [node name] node does not belong to a scene - Please update so that node is attached to a scene

  • Explanation: Your upload file must contain exactly 1 scene, and that scene must contain exactly 1 node (named “Armature”)

Scene Errors

Error: No scenes found in file

  • Explanation: Your upload file must contain exactly 1 scene. If you’re seeing this error, it means that your upload has no scenes.

Error: Multiple scenes found, but only 1 scene is allowed - Please remove the extra scenes

  • Explanation: Uploads can only contain 1 scene. If you’re seeing this error, it means that your file contains more than 1 scene.

Skeleton Errors

Error: No skeleton found in document - Please rig the model on the skin from example

  • Explanation: The skeleton is missing from your .glb.

Mesh Errors

Error: Mesh [mesh name] does not have [required attribute] attribute

  • Explanation: There are a few different attributes that can appear in this error:

    • Position > technical error. Bug in the 3D software that you used to make/export your model

    • Normal > please add normals

    • Textcoord_0 > your mesh does not have a texture applied. Please ensure mesh materials have textures

    • Joints_0 or weights_0 > Rig is broken. Please re-export or fix the rig or redo the rig

Error: Mesh [mesh name] is using an unexpected bone index [bone index] - please remove weights from that bone

  • Explanation: A bone in your file is using an index that doesn’t exist in the skeleton. If the skeleton contains 68 bones, and one of your bones has an index of a number that is not 0-68, you will see this error. The can likely be a bug from the software that produced this .glb.

Error: Names for Mesh [mesh name] and Node [node name] don't match - Please update so that the Mesh and Node names match

  • Explanation: Mesh names need to match the node that they’re attached to.

Error: Multiple meshes with name [mesh name] found - Please rename or remove the other meshes

  • Explanation: No 2 meshes can have the same name.

Error: Mesh [mesh name] has [triangle count] triangles, limit is [triangle limit] - Please decrease triangle count

Error: No meshes found in file

  • Explanation: Your upload must contain meshes. If you’re seeing this error, it means that you need to add meshes to your model.

Error: Mesh [mesh name] has multiple materials (glb reports multiple primitives) - Please remove or merge the extra materials

  • Explanation: Each mesh can have exactly 1 material. If you’re seeing this error, it means that there is a Mesh in the upload that has more than 1 material.

Error: Mesh [mesh name] has no material - Please set material for a mesh

  • Explanation: All meshes require materials. If you’re seeing this error, it means that the mesh in question is missing a material.

Error: Mesh [mesh name] has unsupported type - Please set mesh type to Triangles

  • Explanation: Mesh type must be Triangles (not Triangle Strip or Quads). If you’re seeing this error, it means that the mesh type is currently set to something other than Triangle, and you need to update the mesh type.

Error: Mesh [mesh name] is not attached to any node - Please attach mesh to a node

  • Explanation: All meshes need to be attached to a node. If you’re seeing this error, it means that you need to attach the mesh to the corresponding node and reupload.

Error: Mesh [mesh name] is attached to more than one node

  • Explanation: Meshes can only be attached to one node. If you’re seeing this error, it means that you need to fix the hierarchy of your model so that the mesh in question is only attached to one node.

Corrupted File Errors

These errors appear as a result of an issues or bugs with the software you used to export your model. You can try to re-export the model, but you may need to contact the tool's team to resolve these issues.

  • Error: Skin does not have inverse bind matrices

  • Error: Mesh [mesh name] has no primitives - Please add a primitive to the mesh or remove empty meshes

  • Error: Sparse accessor for inverse bind matrices is not supported

  • Error: Inverse bind matrices accessor does not have a buffer view

  • Error: Inverse bind matrices accessor must be mat4 type

  • Error: Inverse bind matrices accessor must have float components

  • Error: Inverse bind matrices accessor count does not match the number of joints

  • Error: Inverse bind matrices accessor must not be normalized

  • Error: Joint attribute type of Mesh [mesh name] must be vec4

  • Error: Joint attribute of Mesh [mesh name] must have either UByte or UShort components

  • Error: Mesh [mesh name] has no indices

Last updated